As a member at Greenmeadow, you’ll get more than access to our sparkling swimming pool, inviting clubhouse, and varied fitness programs. Membership includes becoming a part of our broader community with picnics, seasonal parties, social activities throughout the year, discounted facility rental, active online discussion groups and more.

On this page you’ll find links to common resources. Enjoy!

Host a community event

All GMCA members may host community events in the Clubhouse, park, pool or community room.

1) Learn about hosting a community event.
2) Check the calendar to find a date.
3) Contact us to reserve the space.

Host a private event

Members and non-members can rent our spaces for private parties or events. 

See here for details.

See upcoming events

Learn about events happening soon here.

Check our Year At A Glance list for an overview of our annual events. 

Check our Google Calendar for all events. 

See if the clubhouse or community room is available

 Check our Google Calendar for all events. Events will indicate location after the event title.

Follow GMCA on Facebook

Check out our Facebook page

Read the Meadowlark

PAPER COPY: All residents of the Greenmeadow neighborhood receive a paper copy delivered to their mailbox each month. 

EMAIL & ONLINE: GMCA members (residents and non-resident associate members) can receive the Meadowlark via email and read older issues online. 

To receive the Meadowlark by email, or access an archive of the current and previous issues (2007 – present), click here to join the Google Group. 

Issues from 2000 – 2006 are accessible here. (From this page, click on “Meadowlarks”.  Then double click on the year you want.  Then click on the month you want.  Then click “download” which for most browsers will display the issue on the screen.)

POST IN THE MEADOWLARK: Read the guidelines for posting here


Join or view the discussion (Google Group)

GMCA Members and Greenmeadow residents may join our community discussion email list hosted on Google Groups.


VIEW the group online

Attend a community event

Learn about events happening soon here.

Check our Year At A Glance list for an overview of our annual events. 

Check our Google Calendar for all events. 

Search for a member

GMCA member search is available on the Club Express site here.  

Join a committee

Learn about the various committees and who to contact to join or help out here.

Update my account

Your GMCA account info can be updated on the Club Express site here

Access Club Express

You can find the GMCA Club Express site here

Contact the Manager, Board, Committees & Others

GENERAL QUESTIONS: info@greenmeadow.org
ASK THE COMMUNITY: GMCA-Discuss Google Group

BOARD: board@greenmeadow.org
GMCA TREASURER: treasurer@greenmeadow.org
SWIM TEAM TREASURER: marlins-treasurer@greenmeadow.org
MEADOWLARK: meadowlark@greenmeadow.org

Social committee: social@greenmeadow.org
Facilities committee: facilities@greenmeadow.org
Communications committee: communications@greenmeadow.org

WEBMASTER: webmaster@greenmeadow.org

Information about meetings and events can be found here.

Greenmeadow was founded as an organization of community volunteers and depends on the participation of each and every member. Committees provide the guidance, creativity and representation required to run an active, evolving and diverse organization. Participation on a committee is one way that members can connect and give back to our community. Each Committee meets regularly, at most once per month. You can make your voice heard, help keep our association strong, and meet some new friends along the way! If you can help, please contact the respective Committee Chair.

Architectural Review & Covenants (ARCC)

Architectural Review and Covenants, Legal Documents

Chairperson: Patrick Everett
Board Liaison: Alessandro Magnani
​Email:  arcc@greenmeadow.org

The ARCC committee reviews and assists Greenmeadow residents with architectural and remodeling projects and ensures that all projects are consistent with GMCA CC&Rs.

“CCR” stands for “Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions.”  It is a legal document on file with the County of Santa Clara.  It applies to all homes in the Greenmeadow tracts whether or not the owners belong to the Greenmeadow Community Association.

Each tract has its own (slightly different) CCR document.

CCRs for Greenmeadow 1

CCRs for Greenmeadow 2

To maintain the unique historic nature of Greenmeadow homes and to promote a cohesive neighborhood homeowners of homes in Greenmeadow should present plans for external modifications to the ARCC for review, suggestions of improvements, and approval prior to submitting plans to the City of Palo Alto. Please allow 2 weeks for review for larger projects.

Some of the functions of the ARCC committee include:

  • Complete the review of submitted projects in a timely fashion.
  • Notify the board of all findings.
  • Maintain contact with the Palo Alto Building Department and stay current on city zoning and regulations affecting residential building and remodeling in Palo Alto.
  • Act as a resource for GM residents in meeting GMCA covenants and assist the Board as requested to resolve any conflicts between GM covenants and submitted plans.
  • Educate the community on ARCC and CC&R responsibilities.
Civic Affairs

Chair: Position Available – Volunteers welcome!

Board Liaison: Oliver Lee

Overview of Civic Affairs

The Civic Affairs Committee studies and reports on local issues relevant to the Greenmeadow community. On issues where there is a majority position within Greenmeadow, the committee may represent a neighborhood position. We actively work to encourage civic engagement within our community through candidate forums, community meetings, providing information about issues of community interest.

Mission Statement & Goals

To monitor activities of civic organizations which are likely to have impact on GM and to inform Greenmeadow residents and the GMCA Board about local issues relevant to the Greenmeadow community.  To discuss, investigate, and (when there is agreement in the community and direction from the Board) to recommend action to appropriate governmental agencies and other bodies regarding matters affecting environment and quality of life within Greenmeadow.  Examples of civic organizations monitored include: Palo Alto City Council and Planning & Transportation Commission, Parks & Recreation Commission, and PAUSD Board of Education.

Charter – Chair, Co-Chair, GM resident members as needed.



Communications Committee

Chairperson: Peyma Oskoui peyma.oskoui@gmail.com

Board Liaison: Oliver Lee

email:  communications@greenmeadow.org

PURPOSE: The purpose of the Communications Committee is to foster communication between the Greenmeadow Community Association and its members and the residents of the Greenmeadow neighborhood.

We intend to fulfill this purpose in three ways:
Planning: As mentioned above, this has historically been the role of this committee. We intend to continue that role by discussing, proposing, and (when appropriate) implementing new methods of interacting with various groups of people within Greenmeadow to foster better communication.
Support: Provide points of contact for various individuals and groups of people to express concerns, problems, and ideas to others within Greenmeadow. Provide technical, graphical and editorial support and advise to anyone wanting to publish information in or about Greenmeadow.
Outreach: Find ways of pro-actively soliciting input from various groups and individuals within Greenmeadow.

The communications committee consists of the following subcommittees:

Publications: to support the Meadowlark (the Greenmeadow community newsletter); to give advise to other committees in Greenmeadow wishing to publish information about Greenmeadow, etc.; to assure the visual appearance and content of publications provide a consistent message.

Blockheads: To promote communication between the blockheads and the rest of the Greenmeadow organization. (“Blockheads” refers to representatives from each block in the Greenmeadow neighborhood.)

Online:  To support and continue to improve the use of internet resources such as the google groups, website and social media to provide communication tools to the Greenmeadow community.

(This website is hosted on wpenngine.com.)


Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness Committee

Chairperson: Sam Kempton and Karen Pauls

Board Liaison: Brian Lynch

The Greenmeadow Emergency Preparedness Committee is a group of your neighbors who have volunteered to help our neighborhood be better prepared for disasters by encouraging individual households to prepare and by assisting them with information on how to do it. Another focus of the committee is to take an active role in emergency response. Most committee members are active in the city’s Emergency Services Volunteers Program. In the case of a large-scale emergency (like a major earthquake), this group of trained volunteers work as a team to assess the immediate needs of the neighborhood, respond directly when appropriate and communicate critical needs to the city’s Office of Emergency Services.  

For additional details, see this page.


Facilities Committee

Chair: Jeff Kmetec

Board Liaison: Sean Giffen

Email:  facilities@greenmeadow.org

The Facilities Committee is the combination of two original committees, the Buildings Committee and the Grounds Committee. The committee is responsible for developing and maintaining both short (1-3 yr) and long (3-5 yr) plans for GMCA buildings and grounds.

Some of the functions of the committee include:

  • Prepare and update the documents describing the short and long term plans pertinent to all building and grounds features necessary to keep them in good working order or to repair or replace them at a given future time. This document should identify all assets of GMCA and estimate the amount of funds for repair and replacement and the likely time frame for action within a 5 year time frame.
  • Work with finance committee in establishing estimated costs for major repairs and replacements an to recommend the necessary level of reserve funds in each year’s budget to insure adequate funds for the upkeep of GMCA’s buildings and grounds.
  • Work with the manager to assist in implementing repairs or replacements as authorized by the Board.

Finance Committee

Chairperson: Position Available – Volunteers welcome!

Board Liaison: Josh Feira (Treasurer)

The Finance Committee provides financial guidance and advice to the GMCA Board. Some of the functions and responsibilities of the committee include:

  • Advise on proper financial procedures and controls.
  • Perform an annual audit to assure appropriate financial procedures and controls.
  • Review the proposed budget annually for consistency, appropriateness and integration with the long range financial plan, including a projection for major repairs and capital expenditures.
  • Establish the necessary level of reserve funds in each year’s budget to insure that there are adequate funds to provide for the repair and/or replacement of GM’s physical assets.
  • Carry out the financial projects requested by the Board.

Expense Reimbursement Form



Chairperson: Sonya Bradski

Board Liaison:  Ken Knox (ex officio)

The Greenmeadow nominating committee helps to find the right candidates to fill the Greenmeadow Board positions. 

Nominating committees must continually be mindful of the fact that board directors are volunteers. No matter how committed to the organization they may be, personal or other issues may cause them to want or need to separate from their board duties.

Nonprofit board positions are not as solid as paid board positions. Therefore, it’s vital for nominating committees to be continually recruiting board directors so that they have a host of resumes to choose from, in the event of a term ending or the unfortunate situation of an unexpected board director resignation.

It’s the nominating committee’s responsibility to solicit prospects for board vacancies, research their backgrounds and start the process of grooming them for possible board service.

Nominating committees must balance many issues when forming boards. Best practices for board composition require boards to have diversity of gender, race, ethnicity, age, religion, skills, experience and other factors. Board candidates without existing board experience sometimes make the best board directors because they are excited, motivated and eager to learn about the world of governance.

In forming the short list of potential board candidates, the nominating committee must assess how well each candidate aligns with the organization’s mission and objectives. The board may offer some assistance in informing the nominating committee about the types of skills the board needs. Executive directors or CEOs also often have valuable input about candidates.


Social Committee

Chairperson: Lisa Knox

Board Liaison: Glenn Flinchbaugh

email:  social@greenmeadow.org

The committee is composed of GMCA members, our GMCA manager and board liaison. This committee plans and carries out social activities for all GM members to promote community closeness and build a strong community spirit. Some of the functions of the committee include:

  • Develop a schedule for social events.
  • Organize and select event chairs and support the chairs and their committees in carrying out their specific event.
  • Insure that social events are operated within budget.
  • Maintain good communications with the manager on planned events and ensure that GM facilities are available for the events.
Swim Team

Swim Team Committee

Chairperson:  Mari Ueda-tao

Board Liaison:  Allison Frisbee, Brian Lynch

The Swim Team Committee is tasked with organizing and overseeing all matters pertaining to the Greenmeadow Marlins Swim Team. The committee works closely with the Board and the manager to coordinate pool use and schedules for practices and team events. The manager has the ultimate authority over pool safety. Swim team coaches must have, as a minimum, the same qualifications that GMCA requires of its lifeguards. Coaches must be approved by both the committee and the manager.

Some of the functions of the Swim Team Committee include:

  • Organizes swim team and community-building events. 
  • Setting and collecting of Swim Team dues.
  • Establish an annual budget for the team and maintain accurate financial records.
  • Coordinate with the Board and manager the hours of use for team practices and meets.
  • Oversee the operation of the swim team and represent the team with the Junipero Serra Swim League.
  • Ensure adequate insurance is maintained and provide paperwork to GMCA prior to swim season.

Membership Committee

Chairperson:  Lisa Steinback

Board Liaison: Oliver Lee

Committee Members: Claudette Klein, Mark Dobervich, Carolyn Dobervich, Lin Yuan, Celeste Johnson

The Membership Committee is tasked with stimulating new and current Greenmeadow residents in becoming active GMCA members and in attracting additional members from outside Greenmeadow to maintain a sustainable roster of members.

Some of the Functions of the Membership Committee include:

  • Welcome new residents, inform them about GMCA and encourage them to become members.
  • Supply new residents with information concerning GMCA such as the Membership Directory, upcoming social events, quarterly meetings and committees.
  • Pursue GM residents who are not members and encourage them to join.
  • Investigate and respond to membership issues, making recommendations to the BOD when appropriate.
  • Organize New Member BBQ at the pool
  • Organize Holiday Open House to celebrate the end of the year and to acknowledge retiring board members.


    The Board of Directors consists of seven members elected by the membership, each to a two-year term. Four members are elected during even number years and three members are elected on off numbered years. The Board positions are President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The remaining positions are Assistant Vice President, Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer.

    President: Sean Giffen. sean@greenmeadow.org
    Vice-President: Oliver Lee
    Asst. Vice-President: Allison Frisbee
    Treasurer: Josh Feira
    Asst. Treasurer: Glenn Flinchbaugh
    Secretary: Alessandro Magnani
    Asst. Secretary: Bryan Lynch

    Contact the Board at board@greenmeadow.org.

    Responsibilities of the Board
    • To represent the views and wishes of GMCA members
    • To uphold the GMCA by-laws
    • To promote community closeness and positive spirit
    • To establish committees to carry out specific functions. It is the responsibility of the Board officer who is the liaison of the committee to recommend to the Board the Chair, Co-Chair and members of the committee.
    • To establish an annual budget for the operations of GM programs and GM facilities and submit to membership for approval.
    • To direct the operation of the GMCA and establish policies needed to carry out GM’s mission.