Providing a safe environment for all of our members is our top priority.
This plan details the specific steps taken by GMCA.

Latest revision: November 11, 2019

Deterrence Methods

  • Physical barriers: consistent with pool regulations, our entire pool area is surrounded by concrete walls and fences. All doors that could permit access to the pool/clubhouse perimeter are self-closing and self-locking. Within the pool area, during non-guarded hours chains are put in place to block the stairways from the clubhouse terrace area to deter clubhouse users from moving into the pool deck. Additionally during non-guarded hours a chain and sign is placed on the diving board to deter its usage.
  • Lighting: our pool has underwater lights which will be automatically turned on during pool open hours. Larger LED floodlights on the roof of the locker room building are on a timer and illuminate the entire pool deck during dark operational hours. Pathway lighting, activated by motion detectors, lines the walkways around the pool, and the facilities exterior lighting keeps the area lit during the dark hours. Park lighting (under repair as of October 2018) illuminates the park area at dark times.
  • Natural surveillance: the two sides of the pool with the most foot traffic (parking lot and park side) are lined with an iron fence that provides visual access into the pool at all hours. Similarly the clubhouse has multiple large glass doors, without blinds or curtains, to provide visual access from both the park and pool.

Access control

  • Keycards: each member household of GMCA receives 1 and only 1 keycard. The keycard is issued to an adult with an accompanying keycard agreement signature page specifying the regulations, and keycard usage is the responsibility of that adult. The keycard provides access to the clubhouse great room and bathroom for all members, plus pool gate access for swim members. Any keycard reported lost will be disabled, as will any keycard upon membership lapsing. All keycard usage to badge into doors is automatically logged by the security system.
  • Door locking: keycards are only operable during the published business hours and doors will be locked at all other times. The two hinged doors opening from the clubhouse to the park are self-closing and self-locking to ensure that the clubhouse is properly secured. The two sliding glass doors that exit to the park will only be opened for events by Management.
  • Keys: physical key distribution is kept to a minimum to preserve safety and accountability. Only keys necessary for Management will be made available.

Intrusion Detection

  • Alarm systems: the pool will soon have a radar-beam intrusion detection system. Any interruption to the radar-beam will trigger a loud alarm that goes off inside the clubhouse. This alarm system is armed at all times when the pool is closed.
  • Video surveillance: 8 video cameras are posted in and around the clubhouse and pool, with 24/7 cloud recording. The cameras also deliver intelligent event-driven notifications to Management and members of the Facilities Committee, so that flagged activity (e.g. movement on the pool deck when the pool is closed) can easily be flagged, reviewed, and punished as needed.

Accident Prevention

  • Pool policies: the pool policies designed to ensure safety and prevent accidents are clearly posted within the pool area. Compliance with the pool policies is also a requirement in the keycard agreement signature page that each member signs when receiving their keycard.
  • Stricter policies during non-guarded pool hours: during non-guarded hours, stricter pool policies are in place. This includes no children under 18 years old without an adult, no guests, and no diving board usage amongst other rules detailed in the keycard agreement signature page. During non-guarded hours a chain will block the diving board along with a sign to deter usage. Violations of the policies identified by the security cameras, particularly during non-guarded hours, will be severely punished up to revoking keycard access to the pool.
  • Secure storage room: the clubhouse contains a storage room which is locked off from members so that unsafe items can be stored securely. Only Management and certain committee personnel have access to the storage room, in order to support GMCA functions.

Incident Response

  • First aid: first aid kits are prominently hung and available at all times both in the pool area and in the clubhouse.
  • Retrieval floats and backboard: retrieval floats and backboard are visibly mounted on walls about the pool.
  • Fire extinguishers: fire extinguishers are available and well-marked, consistent with fire code, at all times in the clubhouse greatroom and the bathroom hallway. In addition the clubhouse has a fully compliant fire sprinkler system in the ceiling. It is connected to a paid service (Aeco Systems) to respond to any alarms.
  • Emergency phone: a clearly labeled emergency landline phone is mounted on the pool deck. When lifted off the handset, the phone dials 911.
  • Automated external defibrillator: an AED is onsite, with monthly reporting and compliance managed by Dipietro & Associates, Inc health & safety consultants.
  • Escalation path: incidents should be escalated in one of three paths
    • Emergency: all life threatening emergency situations should be escalated to appropriate police and fire authorities by calling 911 or using the emergency landline phone at the pool, which also dials 911.
    • Urgent: any urgent but non life threatening situation should be escalated by either calling the GMCA Club Manager at 650-494-3157 or emailing Examples of this could include broken glass or fecal matter in the pool.
    • General issues: any incidents that don’t require an immediate response but are worth sharing should be reported by either calling the GMCA Club Manager at 650-494-3157 or emailing Examples of this could include reporting near-accidents.


  • Lifeguards: our staff of lifeguards are fully trained and certified. GMCA hires Santa Clara Swim Club to manage our pool operations, to include hiring and staffing lifeguards. Santa Clara Swim Club was founded in 1951 and has a long history of safely fostering swimming throughout the Bay Area.
  • Club Manager: our club manager oversees the entire operations of the club, with a particular emphasis on ensuring the continual safety of all our facilities. Our Club Manager directly escalates all safety concerns to the GMCA Board.
  • Property Manager: we employ a third party property management service to maintain the safe upkeep of our facilities. The property manager is specifically tasked with proactively identifying and escalating any safety concerns.