The Pool facilities at Greenmeadow are private and available to current swim members of GMCA and their guests. Members must have completed a membership application, signed the pool use/pool rule waiver and paid the annual pool membership fee to use the pool. Members may bring guests during lifeguarded hours – guests are not permitted during nonguarded hours.
During the main swim team season, April-July, swimming space is limited during the weekday afternoon practices between 4pm-7pm. During that time, lap swimming may be limited or unavailable, but the diving well and kiddie pool are still open for members.
Please enter the pool area through the pool gate, using your access card. All guests must sign in the guest binder in and complete a GMCA waiver.
When our pool is staffed with lifeguards, children 14 and over may come to the pool without an adult if they can pass the following swim test (to be conducted by a lifeguard):
1. Comfortably swim one full length of the pool, using one of the 4 competitive strokes, no goggles, no stopping AND
2. Immediately tread water for 45 seconds without touching the wall.
Children under 10 who have passed the swim test may swim in the deep end of the pool.
Non-guarded Hours
Swimming is a physically demanding activity that has associated health risks even when enjoyed recreationally. We recommend swimming with a buddy during unguarded hours. You understand that during unguarded hours you will be swimming at your own risk.
-All minors (17 and under) must be accompanied by an adult (18+). Any violation will result in the membership key being revoked.
-No diving, and no use of the diving board. Any violation will result in the membership key being revoked.
Proper swim attire
-Swimsuits must be worn by anyone entering the pool.
-Children under four MUST adhere to the Triple Up Policy wearing an effective swim diaper, plastic pant and a swim suit on top.
-Please walk on the pool deck!!!!!!
-Please use restrooms and take a short shower before you enter the pool.
-Please do not visit with or distract the lifeguards. Help us to ensure the safety of our swimmers!
-Please stay off the lane lines, stair railings, diving blocks, and the lifeguard stand.
-Please play carefully and absolutely no roughhousing.
-DIVING INTO THE SHALLOW WATER IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS and not allowed. Please jump feet first into the shallow end of the pool. Diving is permitted only in water over six feet deep.
-For your safety, no flips, back dives or twists from the edge of the pool.
What is and isn’t allowed in pool area
-Bicycles are not permitted within the pool enclosure or in the entryway. Please do not bring bikes, trikes, skates, skateboards, or scooters into the pool area. Use the bike rack outside the pool area.
-Strollers and wagons are welcome as long as they are kept a safe distance from the pool edge.
-Glass is not permitted anywhere inside the pool area. This includes items in the changing rooms.
-Smoking is not allowed within the pool enclosure.
-Pets are not allowed within the pool enclosure.
-Gum is not allowed inside the pool area or at anytime while swimming.
Swimming is permitted only during scheduled hours. All swimmers are asked to clear the locker rooms fifteen minutes after the pool closes.
Pool hours are variable; the hours change depending on the season, school schedules, and program demand. Please check the pool hours or pool bulletin board for the current schedule. Various instructional programs are offered throughout the year, and some areas of the pool are reserved for these programs.
“Adult swim” may be called for up to 10 minutes. During “adult swim” all youth under the age of 18 must exit the pool and remain outside of the the pool until “free swim” is called. During peak summer months, “Adult Swim” WILL be called every hour between 4pm – 7 pm. During Adult Swim children should be encouraged to use the restrooms.
Members are responsible and liable for any guests that they bring.
-Members and their guests may use the pool during lifeguarded hours – guests are not permitted during nonguarded hours.
-Guests must be from outside the Greenmeadow neighborhood. Greenmeadow Residents who are not members of the pool are not allowed to be guests at the pool.
-Guests (under the age of 18) must be accompanied by a Greenmeadow member parent or caregiver. The Greenmeadow member parent is responsible for ensuring this occurs.
-Each family may bring a max of 8 guests per month, 4 max at one time. However, if more than one family desires to bring multiple guests at one time as a part of a group, they will be subject to the Pool Party Guidelines, and must be scheduled with the GMCA manager.
Members and guests who do not take / pass the swim test must remain in the shallow end of the pool, marked by the blue line at 4 feet. It is the responsibility of the member to inform their guests of the pool rules and ensure that they remain in the shallow end if they cannot swim well.
-Any child who is not fully potty trained must wear a disposable swim diaper, a plastic pant, and a swim suit in order to be in the pool.
-The kiddie pool is for use by young children and non-swimmers only.
-Children seven years of age and older are not permitted with the exception of non swimmers.
-Kickboards are not allowed for the safety of your child. Flotation devices must be Coast Guard approved.
-Adult supervision is required at ALL times. Children 5 and under, and any non-swimmers, must have an adult IN THE WATER, within arm’s reach. Please watch your children carefully.
-Lifeguard supervision does NOT replace parent responsibility to watch your children.
-Please do not climb or hang over the lane line.
-Please do not play on the stair railings.
Deck Furniture
NOTE: standing or jumping on chairs have resulted in costly and time consuming repairs of our deck furniture.
-Deck furniture should be used and shared with courtesy. Please do not save chairs unoccupied for more than fifteen minutes.
Changing Rooms
-Please do not enter the pool wearing lotions or oils; shower them off with soap and water.
-Please do not take any food into the locker rooms.
-Gum is not allowed inside the pool area or at anytime while swimming.
-Please limit showers to 3 minutes and remind your little swimmers too!
Trash, Recycle and Compost
Let’s keep Greenmeadow clean and GREEN. Compost and recycle bins are available and when used properly will prevent most of our waste from going to a landfill. Signs are posted at the bins to help you decide where to put your waste. Most food soiled paper products including plates and cups (even the waxed ones) can go into the compost bin.
Clean up your litter from decks, tables, and grass areas.
Lost and Found
All left items are placed in the Lost and Found bin near the ping pong table. Please check for lost items. One week notice will be given before they are donated to charity
Lap Swim
-All swimmers must adhere to the lap swim guidelines.
-During “Adult Swim” only swimmers over the age of 14 may use the pool.
-The pool is to be used for lap swimming or water exercise during that time.
-Swimmers under the age of 18 may NOT swim during early morning adult lap swim (before 9 a.m.)
-Every effort will be made to ensure that there will be AT LEAST ONE lap swim lane open during all activities with the exception of the afternoon practices of the Marlin Swim Season and Splashball (April -August).
-If all open lanes are already split, the lifeguards MAY add another lane line if there is space in the pool. (ie less than 4 lane lines in)
-If all open lanes are already split, adult swimmers MUST circle swim if they wish to enter the pool, or wait for an open lane.
-If all lanes with lane lines are occupied, deep water runners and youth lap swimmers may be asked to move out of a lap lane.
-Kickboards, paddles, fins are for the use of lap swimmers and swim team members only.
-Diving blocks for use of swim team only
The lifeguards have the authority to enforce pool rules, including sending individuals out of the pool area if the rules are being disregarded. The Lifeguards may restrict use of the pool in crowded conditions, or alter the rules the ensure safety. Thank you and enjoy your swim.
Diving Board
-Everyone in the diving well must agree to open the board
-One person on the board at a time
-No running down the board
-Two bounces maximum off the board
-No flips or jumping off backwards
-Lifeguards can stop the diving board at any time.
-Diving board use is allowed only during lifeguarded hours.