2023 Greenmeadow Progressive Dinner
Mark your calendars for the social event of the year. Open to all GMCA members. Saturday, September 23. Sign up now! (Sign-up deadline: September 18)
How Does it work?
All participants meet at the Greenmeadow clubhouse at 5 pm for hors d’oeuvres and drinks. There, the organizer will let you know which group you’re assigned to (8 to 10 people per group). Your group will then move together to different houses for soup, salad and entree. Then all groups reconvene for dessert at the clubhouse. It’s a delightful evening full of food, conversation and strolling through Greenmeadow.
How do we sign up?
Get online and open the Google Doc here:
and add your name to the course you wish to host. Resident members agree to host either soup, salad or entree courses at their homes. Associate members provide the hors d’oeuvres, drinks and desserts at the clubhouse, plus simple set-up and clean-up. Questions? email Lisa Knox at lisaknox61@gmail.- com. See you there! Frequently asked questions here: